Tsho-Rolpa lake gets advanced early warning system


    DOLAKHA, MAY 20 – Tsho-Rolpa glacial lake in Dolakha district has been installed with a new and advanced early warning system following the Great Quake of April 25. The new system will alert the authorities and nearby communities about the possible outburst of the glacial lake.The system has been installed after experts catagorised the lake as a potentially critical glacial lake following the deadly earthquake of April 25 and its powerful aftershocks.

    The Great Quake had also damaged the old warning system imageinstalled in Singati area of the lake.

    The new system includes a sensor which will automatically send messages to mobile phones when the water level on the lake rises. In case of other possible dangers, a siren in Kirne Power House will also go off and warn the local communities about the possible glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF).

    The new system also has a weather monitoring system and will provide information to authorities about the weather in the area.

    It has been estimated that over 6,000 people could be affected if the lake bursts.

    Source : ekantipur