Incorporating Climate Risk Assessment in Financial Management to Strengthen Nepal’s Climate Change Policies

Nepal remains the most susceptible country to the impacts of climate change mainly due to its geographical location and intensive agriculture. Glacial melt has...

Nepal’s Renewable Revolution: Why Solar Power is the Preferred Choice

There is a general agreement among government officials, the private sector, and Nepal's development partners on the importance of increasing the share of solar...

Accelerating Power Trade: Nepal and Bangladesh Transition from Statehood to Regional Collaboration

When we compare Nepal and Bangladesh in terms of per capita electricity consumption, the figures do not show a sharp contrast since Nepal looms...

Honoring the US-Nepal Partnership: A Journey Through the Past, Present, and Future

This year, the United States and Nepal celebrate 77 years of bilateral relations. Since 1947, our nations have built an open, responsive, and collaborative...

Power Trade Prospects: Shaping the Global Energy Market

Availability of electricity makes possible many things. The now-affluent countries have relied on increasingly abundant electricity – most of which came from dirty fuels,...

Empowering South Asia: Nepal-India-Bangladesh Hydropower Pact Unleashes Regional Potential

Harnessing regional potential by facilitating Nepal-India-Bangladesh hydropower agreement Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. Amid the global...

Urgent Action Needed: Nepal’s Climate Change Vulnerability Highlights Deficiencies in Securing Essential Financial Aid

Nepal's susceptibility to the impacts of climate change underscores the urgent need for decisive action and substantial financial assistance. Despite this pressing need, Nepal's...

How World Bank support for a dam kept the lights on in Nepal

By PRAVIN KARKI & DEEPAK SUBEDI  JUNE 03, 2024 Since 1982, the Kulekhani hydropower dam has played a key role in Nepal’s development. Co-financed by the World...

Towards the BBIN energy framework: How far has the Bangladesh-Nepal energy deal come?

The discussion around energy cooperation between Bangladesh and Nepal has come a long way. From engaging in extensive talks on potential export agreements to...

Harnessing Nepal’s Hydropower: Regional Benefits for Bangladesh and South Asia

Bangladesh's neighbouring Nepal holds vast potential for hydropower generation. The Himalayan country has set an ambitious target to generate 28,000 megawatts (MW) of hydroelectricity...