Small village in Nepal benefits from wind-solar hybrid


    A newly-installed wind-solar hybrid power system is now meeting the electricity demand of the Hariharpurgadi village in Nepal, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which supported the project, announced on Tuesday.

    The particular system consists of small wind turbines with a capacity of 20 kW, and 15 kWп of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. Together, they are able to produce 110 kWh of power daily, which is above the village’s 87-kWh electricity demand.

    The installation was implemented as part of ADB’s USD-16.2-million (EUR 13.8m) South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Power System Expansion Project.

    “Access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy will help the village to connect to the world through Internet and mobile phones, and will create opportunities to boost local income,” said Mukhtor Khamudkhanov, ADB’s country director for Nepal. The project will also pave the way for commercial activities in the village, the director added.

    The government of Nepal launched its first mini-grid wind-solar system six years ago, again backed by the ADB. The system is located in Dhaubadi, western Nepal.

    Source : Renewables Now