Ridi Hydropower Development Company Limited will be convening its 17thAGM on Ashoj 20, 2075. The meeting will be convened in Indreni Banquet, Kathmandu at 11:00 AM.
The main agendas of the meeting include:
- To approve 6% bonus shares for the shareholders.
- To issue 100% right shares on the adjusted capital after bonus shares FY 2074/75.
- To make amendments in the MOA to increase the authorized capital and issued capital of the company.
- To provide authority to the BoD to make required changes in the future.
Other agendas of the meeting include endorsement of audited financial statement for the FY 2074/75, appointment of statutory auditor for the FY 2075/76, appointment 5 directors from the promoters group, to provide 0.3157% cash for tax purpose and to approve loan for 8.5 MW Butwal Solar Project.
For the purpose of AGM, the shareholders register book will remain closed on Ashoj 07, 2075 i.e. the shareholders holding the shares till Ashoj 06 will be eligible to participate in the AGM.
Source: The Sharesansar