IPPAN to organize Power Summit 2019 on Nov 21 to 22


June 30, 2019

Kathmandu: Independent Power Producers’ Association, Nepal (IPPAN) is hosting the Power Summit 2019 in Kathmandu from November 21-22, 2019 .In this context, the Power Summit 2019 has chosen the theme of “Powering the Asian Century”.

Nepal’s energy sector is currently seeing unprecedented growth, with projects of about 5,500 MW capacity in construction and pre-construction phases, and about 18,000 MW hydropower projects under study for construction. With this growth in capacity addition, it is expected that Nepal will have surplus energy in the near future. However, with the supply outgrowing foreseeable demand within Nepal in the next few years, it is imperative that we explore the market for energy in Nepal as well as neighboring countries through regional grid connectivity.

All in all, Nepal’s energy sector is undergoing massive transformation. We are witness to  eradication of load shedding, possibility of increased power generation resulting in surplus energy at least during wet seasons, increased transmission connectivity along river basins, and high capacity interconnection lines with India. The Electricity Regulatory Commission is now staffed and ready to shoulder its responsibility, as provided by law. We are now discussing energy banking and regional power trading with renewed seriousness.

As the sector is experiencing a paradigm shift in all its forms, the Independent Power Producers’ Association Nepal (IPPAN) believes this to be the right time to discuss and deliberate on all these positive changes which have triggered opportunities within and outside the country for the development of the sector. IPPAN is pleased to announce that it is organizing Power Summit 2019 on November 21 and 22, 2019 in Kathmandu with a tag-line Powering the Asian Century, to take stock of the present situation and to look ahead to future possibilities. This seventh edition of Power Summit is being organized under the patronage of Government of Nepal.

Like the previous  Power Summits, which  have been instrumental in developing appropriate and far reaching policies for the development of Nepal’s energy sector,  Power Summit 2019 will also bring together national and international experts, prominent government officials, private sector participants, and non-government organizations, and other stakeholders to discuss policies, past achievements, and share knowledge and experience from around the globe. IPPAN believes such interaction within the industry stakeholders will help create growth opportunities and outline a way forward.

IPPAN believes that the energy potential of Nepal is not only an agent for national prosperity but also an agent to serve the need for green, people and environment friendly energy for the burgeoning Asian economy. This edition of Power Summit will focus on energy trading and international connectivity, market creation, energy development in Nepal’s federal structure, financing of energy infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable hydro development, appropriately regulating the sector, and discuss on exemplary achievements in and around the region. About 750 participants are expected at this mega event. Success of such an event requires help and support from all the stakeholders and, IPPAN takes this opportunity to request all the concerned parties for lending their support.

Further information on the event can be obtained from IPPAN’s website (www.ippan.org.np) and facebook page (www.facebook.com/Power-Summit-2019-1330500910440034/).