KATHMANDU, MAR 08 – Minister for Energy Radha Gyawali has calimed that some media have understated the positive efforts she has made in the energy sector.
Some media houses are still negative despite the remarkable performance of the Energy Ministry during her one year tenure, Gyawali added.
Talking to media on Saturday, the Energy Minister said she has respects for the fourth estate of the state but some media houses are still biased against women.
Minister Gyawali said that she would, however, not be distracted from the goal of taking the nation towards prosperity by developing the energy sector.
Terming the signing of the Power Trade Agreement (PTA) with India as the positive step, she claimed the recently released annual progress report of the government has mentioned about the achievements made in the energy sector.
She claimed the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and Power Trade Agreement (PTA) held with India were the positive beginning.
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