Solu-Dudhkoshi Hydro achieves financial closure


    A consortium of 11 commercial banks, led by Nepal Investment Bank  Ltd, has signed Loan Facilities agreement with Solu (Dudhkoshi) Hydroelectric Project on 4th August, 2016.

    The project with installed capacity of 86 MW is promoted by Hydro venture Limited which is 100% subsidiary of Sahas Urja Limited.

    Project is a run of river (RoR) type project located  about 130 km southeast of Kathmandu. The headworks of the project (Elev. 1260 masl) is proposed at Tinla and Kagel Village Development Committees (VDCs) of Solukhumbu district in Eastern Nepal and the powerhouse (Elev. 647 masl) will be located at Maikubesi Village of Panchan VDC of the same district. The Project has an installed capacity of 86 MW and with an annual energy production capacity of 520.82 GWh.


    Source : NEF