सानिमा हाइड्रोपावरमा तालाबन्दी गर्नेविरुद्ध मुद्दा


    पुस ५, मङ्गलबारे (इलाम) । इलामको चिसापानीमा निर्माणाधीन सानिमा माई हाइड्रोपावरमा तालाबन्दी गर्ने ठेकेदारसहित १३ जनाविरुद्ध सार्वजनिक अपराध ऐनअन्तर्गत मुद्दा दर्ता गरेको छ । जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय, इलामले पक्राउ परेका ठेकेदार इलाम नगरपालिका–७ निवासी नीरजकुमार राउतसहित उनीहरुविरुद्ध बुधवार जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा मुद्दा दायर गरेको हो । जिल्ला विकास समिति इलामले राउतलाई ढुङ्गा, गिट्टी र बालुवाको कर सङ्कलनका लागि रु. १५ लाखमा असोज २ गते ठेक्का दिएको थियो । तर, हाइड्रोपावरले ठेक्का रकम नतिरेपछि राउतसहित गएको युवाको समूहले हाइड्रोपावरमा तालाबन्दी गरेको थियो ।

    प्रस्तुति:  रासस

    About Mai HEP

    The feasibility study of Mai Hydropower Project (MHP) was undertaken by Sanima Hydropower Ltd. Initially, in June 2006, MHP was proposed as a daily peaking run of river project with installed capacity of 20.1 MW.  After discussion with Nepal Electricity Authority(NEA), the daily peaking option was abandoned (as recommended by NEA, the government’s power utility to purchase power from the Project) and an optimum simple run-of river scheme with installed capacity of 14.5 MW was technically concluded with NEA in year 2007 with the energy price open for negotiation.

    In year 2008, Sanima Hydropower (P.) Limited (SHPL) established a Special Purpose Vehicle Company “Sanima Mai Hydropower Limited ” for the implementation of Mai Hydropower Project. After incorporation of SMHL, Sanima Hydropower (P.) Limited applied to Department of Electricity Development (DoED) for transfer of license into SMHL which in  turn awarded the license in March 2009 from the Department.

    After up gradation

    Mai Hydropower Project (22 MW)

    • Location : Danabari and Chisepani VDC
    • Zone : Mechi
    • Type : Run of the River
    • Annual Net Energy Output :128.298 GWh
    • Project Cost : 3097.50 MNPR