In 11 months, electricity meters worth 2.32 billion rupees were imported


Kathmandu — In the past fiscal year’s 11 months, electricity meters worth NPR 2.32 billion (232.96 million) were imported. According to the customs department, 467,024 units of meters were imported in these 11 months.

In the same period of the previous fiscal year, meters worth NPR 927.67 million were imported. During the previous fiscal year, electricity meters were imported from India, China, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

According to the department’s data, in the past fiscal year, the highest number of meters—290,754 units, worth NPR 2 billion, 113 million, and 57 thousand rupees—was imported from China.

61 units worth 258,650,000 from America, 62,100,000 meters from Greece, 8 units worth 133,000 rupees from Denmark and 2 units worth 3,000 rupees from Bangladesh.


Source: Katipur