Handover of ‘Final Review Report on the Model Project Development (PDA) Template’


    7th July, 2013:

    ippanProgram for Handover of ‘Final Review Report on the Model Project Development (PDA) Template’ being organized by Independent Power Producers’ Association, Nepal (IPPAN) on 7th July, 2013 at Hotel Yak & Yati, Durbar Hall.

    IPPAN had insisted on making the PDA template public for enabling the stakeholders to provide their comments; and hence Ministry of Energy (MoEn) had released the PDA template for the project under 500 MW capacities in Nepal Business Form (NBF) meeting held on 12th Oct, 2012 and was uploaded in its website subsequently. During the release event, MoEn had requested the stakeholders to send their comments on the PDA Template to further refine it in order to make it a bankable document.

    For that purpose, IPPAN had engaged Mr. Vijaya Shanker Shrestha as a technical consultant and Pioneer Law Associates for review and preparation of final review report. The final review report has been prepared in consultation with the two teams of experts along with the inputs from all IPPs. This program will include a presentation from Pioneer Law Associates, and following the presentation IPPAN’s President will hand over the document to Hon’ble Minister Mr. Uma Kant Jha.

    The program will start at 2:00 p.m. and will be followed by Hi-Tea.

    Presentation along with the sample/model clauses on Project Development Agreement (PDA) Template presented by Pioneer Law