Tag: GMR

माथिल्लो कर्णालीको ५ सय मेगावाट बिजुली प्रतियुनिट सवा ८ रुपैयाँमा...

 माघ २७, २०७६ नौ सय मेगावाटको आयोजनाको निर्माण कम्पनी जिएमआरबाट विद्युत् किन्न प्रतिबद्धतास्वरूप बंगलादेशको लेटर अफ इन्टेन्ट नौ सय मेगावाट क्षमताको माथिल्लो कर्णाली जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको ५...

Electricity import from Indian firm’s Nepal plant cleared

The government will have to pay a total amount of Tk38,160.75 crore to Indian firm GMR December 20th, 2019 The Cabinet Committee on Public Purchase (CCPP)...

Financial closure plan to be ready by 2020

September 27, 2019 Kathmandu: GMR, developer of the 900-megawatt Upper Karnali Hydropower Project, is trying to complete the ground works for financial closure of the...

माथिल्लो कर्णाली आयोजना इपिसिएफ मोडलमा बनाइने

 असोज १०, २०७६ ९ सय मेगावाट क्षमताको माथिल्लो कर्णाली जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको विद्युत् खरिद–बिक्री सम्झौता (पिपिए)का लागि तयारी अन्तिम अवस्थामा पुगेको छ । आगामी मंसिरभित्र आयोजना निर्माणकर्ता...

600 MW Upper Marsyangdi negotiations stall over hedge fund row

Jul 6, 2019- Nearly seven months after the Indian developer Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao (GMR) group divested shares of the 600 MW Upper Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Project...

Upper Karnali Hydropower Project bogged down in price negotiations

Jun 25, 2019 Kathmandu: A year after the Post’s revelation that Indian company Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao (GMR), the developer of the 900 MW Upper Karnali hydropower...

Nepal, Bangladesh shown interest to construct 1,110-MW Sunkoshi II and 536-MW...

 Jun 24, 2019 An agreement has been reached on seeking electricity trade potentiality and various aspects of hydropower between Nepal and Bangladesh. The agreement was...

पीपीएमै माथिल्लो कर्णाली

चैत्र २१, २०७५ दैलेख — ६ महिनायता माथिल्लो कर्णाली जलविद्युत् आयोजना निर्माणस्थल सुनसान छ । मुआब्जा वितरण, रुख कटान र पहुँचमार्ग निर्माणका काम ठप्प छन् । यसबाट...