Quake-damaged hydel plants await repair


    Months after they were damaged in the massive earthquake of April 25, Manpang Khola II and VII hydropower projects constructed on the border of Mulpani and Budhathum VDCs of Dhading are still awaiting repairs.

    Of the total seven micro hydropower projects constructed on the Manpang Khola by District Development Committee’s Rural Energy and Environment Department targeting remote villages not linked by the central power grid, five have already resumed operation following necessary repairs.

    “Though the five projects have already come into operation after being repaired, we are doomed to live in the dark as the two projects are still awaiting repair,” lamented Lokendra Thapa of Mulpani VDC, adding that over 1,000 households have been affected due to the damaged power plants.

    “A huge amount of fund is required to repair the plants that we unfortunately lack, hence the delay,” said Micro Hydropower Association Dhading Chairperson Shambhu Thapa, adding “There are now over one dozen hydel plants damaged by the quake and we need around 10 million rupees for their repair immediately.”

    According to Thapa, there are currently 35 micro hydropower projects in operation in the district.

    Lack of repairs at the plants have left the locals with no option other than to use kerosene lamps as their frequent appeals to the concerned authorities have fallen on deaf ears.

    Halted projects resume

    LAMJUNG:  Construction of six hydropower projects in Lamjung that had halted due  to the blockade and  resulting fuel crisis has resumed with fuel supply  easing.

    The total capacity of six projects is 157 MW. Of them,  construction of the 50MW Upper Marshyangdi A Hydropower Project and 2MW  Chhyangdi Hydropower is in the last phase, while the 50MW project will  be completed in seven months if construction continues smoothly, the 2MW  capacity power plant will be completed in two weeks.

    Among other  projects in Lamjung that had halted due to the fuel crisis are the 27MW  Dordikhola, 25MW Upper Dordi A, 49.6MW Super Dordi A, and 3MW Midim  Karapur hydropower projects.

    A version of this article appears in print on February 05, 2016 of The Himalayan Times.