Nine of the 11 micro-hydels in Pyuthan remain shut


    microhydropowerPYUTHAN, June 6: Majority of the micro-hydroelectricity power projects set up with investment of millions of rupees with the purpose of reaching light to the poor and remote settlements have shut down in the district.

    Of the 11 micro-hydel projects in the district, nine have already closed down while two are semi-operational. “Absence of essential technical human resource as well as ignorance on part of the locals have led to the closure of the projects built essentially with local support”, said Chief of the Environment Energy and Climate Change Division in Pyuthan, Madan Gorathoki. Some of the projects could be revived with minor maintenance.

    Records at the Division show that a total of Rs. 18.6 million has been invested in the micro-hydel projects operated in the district.

    The Khanikhola hydel project and Dwantekhola hydel in Puja VDC, Ghattekhola first and second in Arkha VDC, Pandherikhola in Syauliwang, the Susaune khola hydel remain closed.

    Likewise, the Siringkhola hydel in Rajwara-3, Kharakhola hydel in Sauliwang-7 and Sarimakhola hydel in Sauliwang-1 are running partially. The hydels had been producing 112 kw of power, benefitting 1,299 remote households.

    “A detail study over the problem facing the micro-hydel projects was carried out and recommendation made for reconstruction to the alternative energy promotion center”, said local development officer or LDO Shiva Prasad Regmi.
