NEA starts cutting power supply to defaulting consumers


    NEA_BuldingBHAIRAHAWA, Feb 5: Regional offices of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) in Butwal and Bhairahawa have started cutting off power supply to consumers having huge outstanding dues.

    The offices cut off electricity lines of more than 350 consumers in the last week alone.

    NEA´s Bhairawaha Regional office cut off power supply to 317 consumers last week. They owe NEA more than Rs 4 million. Of the total outstanding dues of Rs 8 million, NEA had managed to recover Rs 4 million from them.

    “Of these consumers, 137 have already reconnected power lines after paying penalty as per the law,” Munindra Thakur, chief of NEA´s Bhairahawa Regional Office, said. “We will cut off power supply to all consumers that do not clear electricity fee in time.”

    Thakur said many consumers having outstanding dues have started clearing dues after NEA started disconnecting power supply.

    NEA´s Butwal Regional Office also cut off power supply of 115 consumers. Of them, 70 consumers reconnected their power supply after clearing their dues and paying penalty as per the law.

    Of the outstanding dues worth Rs 2.1 million, the office has already recovered Rs 1.2 million.

    “We have resumed power supply to consumers who have cleared all outstanding dues and paid required fines,” Prakash Roha, deputy account officer of NEA´s Butwal Regional Office, said.

    According to NEA officials, local bodies, service-oriented organizations, households, and industries, are among those who have not cleared outstanding dues yet.

    Source : Republic