Low water level in Gandak canal affects power production


    Parasi, June 17: Though water supply to the Gandak canal resumed after a Tribeni_Gandak Barragegap of three months, the Suryapura Gandak Hydropower Centre in Nawalparasi is yet to begin producing power.

    Water to the canal was released by the Indian side on Saturday but power production has not been possible due to insufficient water supply, said foreman of the Suryapura Power House Nagendra Koiri. At least 40 to 45 cusecs of water is essential in the canal to operate the turbine but the water level has not reached to the level as yet, added Koiri.

    Power production from the Centre came to a stop after water supply to the canal was closed down by the Indian authorities in March earlier this year. With power production not possible in the past three months, the Centre has been losing revenue worth Rs. 800,000 in a day.

    As per the Gandak agreement reached in 2016 B.S., the Gandak Hydel Centre was established to produce 15 MW of power every day. With power production from the Centre, Nawalparasi is currently importing power from Bihar of India. RSS