Liberty Energy Company’s IPO Oversubscribed by a little over two times


Liberty Energy Company Limited has closed the issue of 35,64,930 units (including 13,14,930 units unsubscribed by locals) worth Rs 35.64 crore as Initial Public Offering to the general public today.

The issue was open for application from Bhadra 3, 2077.

As per the issue manager NIBL Ace Capital Limited, the issue has received approx 1,85,975 applications applying for a total of 71,68,110 units of shares worth Rs 71.68 crores.

Note: There might be a slight change in the figures posted above. Sharesansar will amend the numbers as they are updated.

After the issuance of 37.50 lakhs units IPO shares to locals and general public i.e 25% of total capital which will together raise its paid-up capital to Rs 1.50 Arba.

ICRA Nepal Limited had assigned an [ICRANP] IPO Grade 4 to the Rs.37.50 Initial Public Offer of Liberty Energy Company Limited. Instruments with this grading are considered to have below-average fundamentals.

The company is developing the 25 MW Upper Dordi ‘A’ HEP in Faleni and Dhodeni VDC, Lamjung district of western Nepal. The per megawatt cost of the project (including IDC) is Rs 18.54 crore and its payback period is 9.20 years.

Source : Sharesansar


काठमाडौं । लिवर्टी इनर्जी कम्पनी लिमिटेडको प्राथमिक सेयर (आईपीओ) मा ७२ करोड ७६ लाख रुपैयाँ बढीको आवेदन परेको छ ।

आवेदकबाट सो रकम बराबरको आवेदन परेको निष्कासन तथा बिक्री प्रवन्धक एनआईबीएल एस क्यापिटल लिमिटेडले जनाएको छ । यो प्रारम्भीक तथ्याँक हो ।

मेरो सेयर र सीआस्वाको तथ्याँक आउन बाँकी छ । माग भन्दा दोब्बर बढी आवेदन परेकाले आईपीओ कम पाउने संभावना छ । कम्पनीले भदौ ३ गतेदेखि सर्वसाधारणमा ३५ लाख ६४ हजार ९३० कित्ता साधारण शेयर जारी गरेको थियो।