Upper Tamakoshi tunnel develops cracks


    DOLKHA, July 7:

    upper_tamakoshi_PHFour days after local complaint of use of sub-standard construction materials in the 456 MW Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project, it has been revealed that the use of sub-standard construction materials in the Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project, it has been revealed that around 80 meters of the ceiling of the project´s tunnel had developed cracks two months ago.

    According to a knowledgeable source at the Civil Construction Division of the project, multiple cracks have already developed in the tunnel, whose length will be 1,100 meters long and is currently under construction.

    After the tunnel developed cracks, Bigyan Prasad Shrestha, officiating chief of the project, without following proper procedures, had personally written to the Chinese contractor Sino Hydro to repair the tunnel at higher rate, the source said.

    The source claimed that the problem in the tunnel surfaced after the project used sub-standard materials during the construction.

    Currently, the construction company is carrying out the repair task rapidly. Technically, the crack in the ceiling of the tunnel is considered dangerous, according to engineers.

    Bimal Gurung, chief engineer of the project, however, said the project management consultant is responsible for the cracks because even after learning that the rock formation at the site is weak, did not recommend proper measures and settled for ordinary grade construction material.

    “We have sought clarification from the consultant agencies,” he said.

    According to a technician of the project, the tunnel ceiling had started developing cracks rapidly after the project started erecting a concrete pillar. “Fearing that the irregularities would come to public fore, Chief Shreshta covertly awarded the repair work contract to the construction company without soliciting competitive bids,” said he.

    After the cracks in the tunnel, the locals for the last two months have been forbidden to visit the tunnel.

    Similarly, the construction of a 372 meters long penstuck tunnel in the dam site of the project for the last several days has been obstructed following some technical faults.

    A few days ago, locals of Dolakha had visited the capital to draw the attention of the government toward alleged irregularities in the project. They have also accused the project officials of embezzling millions of rupees meant for the local development.

    The estimated cost of the hydropower project being developed by the government is Rs 35 billion and is expected to start generating electricity by 2015.

    Source : Republica


    Jha pledges to resolve problems

    CHARIKOT: Energy Minister Umakant Jha today visited the construction site of the Upper Tamakoshi Hydro Project.

    Jha visited the project site after locals complained about financial anomalies in the social development fund and cracks in the upper parts of the tunnel. Locals have demanded a probe into the social development fund allocated for the project. They also said construction work at that tunnel of the upper Tamakoshi project was substandard.

    After visiting the project site, Minister Jha pledged to settle the problems within two weeks. He also assured he would appoint officials in the vacant posts at the project site.

    Of the total 16-kilometre long tunnel, nine kilometres has already been constructed.

    Acting chief Bigyan Prasad Shrestha at Upper Tamakoshi Project said it would cost Rs 4 crore to repair the cracks at the power house. “Since it will take at least three months to carry out maintenance work, the entire project might be delayed,” said Shrestha. A few months ago, he had expressed hope that construction would be completed within the slated time. The 456 megawatt Upper Tamakoshi Hydro Project with Rs 35 billion domestic investment is expected to complete within three years.

    Source : The Himalayan Times


    ऊर्जामन्त्री झाद्वारा माथिल्लो तामाकोसी निरीक्षण

    ” १५ दिनभित्र रिक्त पदपूर्ती गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता “

    दिलबहादुर केसी-दोलखा, २३ असार । ऊर्जामन्त्री उमाकान्त झाले माथिल्लो तामाकोसी जलविद्युत आयोजनामा रिक्त पदपूर्ती १५ दिन भित्र गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता गरेका छन् । आयोजनाको स्थलगत निरीक्षणमा लामाबगर आइपुगेका मन्त्री झाले आयोजनाको प्रगतिको गतिमा घट्न नदिने गरी प्राधिकरणका अन्यत्रबाट तानेर भए पनि उच्च दरबन्दी पूर्ती गर्ने बताएका हुन् ।

    आइतबार दिउँसो आयोजनास्थल लामाबगर आइपुगेका मन्त्री झाले गोगरस्थित आयोजनाको पावर हाउस र लामाबगरमा निर्माणाधिन हेडवक्स क्षेत्रको निरीक्षण गरेका छन् । पछिल्लो समयमा आयोजनाको पावर हाउसको सुरुङ चर्किएको, पेनस्टक सुरुङमा अएको अवरोध र व्यवस्थापनमा आएको समस्याका बारेमा कारोबारमा समाचार प्रकाशित भए लगत्तै मन्त्री झा सहित प्राधिकरणका उच्च अधिकारीहरु आयोजनाको स्थलगत भ्रमणमा आएका हुन् ।
    मन्त्री झा सहितका अधिकारीले आयोजनाको बारेमा संक्षिप्त जानकारी लिएपछि स्थलगत निरीक्षण गरे । मन्त्री झा सहितको टोलीलाई आयोजनाका निमित्त प्रमुख विज्ञानप्रसाद श्रेष्ठले जानकारी गराएका छन् ।

    ऊर्जामन्त्री झाले आयोजनाको बारेमा कर्मचारीहरु, स्थानीय नागरिक समाजका प्रतिनिधिहरुसँग छुट्टाछुट्टै छलफल गरे । छलफलका क्रममा मन्त्री झाले आयोजनाको प्रगति राम्रो रहेको र यो राष्ट्रिय गौरवको आयोजना भएकाले जुनसुकै हालतमा निर्धारित समय र लागतमा पूरा गर्न सरकारले पूर्ण सहयोग गर्ने बताए । मन्त्री झासमक्ष कर्मचारीहरुले उच्च अधिकारीहरु रिक्त हुँदा काम गर्न समस्या भएको गुनासो राखेका थिए ।

    ठेकेदारले निर्माण पूरा गरी परामर्शदाताले गुणस्तर मापन गरेर प्रबद्र्धकले जिम्मा लिएपछि पावर हाउसको एक सय मिटर चर्किएर फुटेको छ । चर्किएको ठाउँमा दुई महिनादेखि निरन्तर रुपमा मर्मत कार्य जारी छ । पावर हाउसको सुरुङमा आएको समस्या प्राकृतिक कारणले भएको जानकारी गराए । चर्केको मध्ये आधा काम पूरा भएको समेत निमित्त प्रमुख श्रेष्ठले जानकारी दिए । चर्किएको भागको मर्मतको लागि ४ करोड खर्च लाग्ने अनुमान छ ।

    आयोजनाको रेजबोरिङ मेसिनमार्फत खन्ने ठाडो पेनस्टक साफ्ट समेत विफल भएको छ । ३ महिना भन्सारमा थन्किएर बल्लतल्ल छुटाएर ल्याएको मेसिनले निर्धारितभन्दा ४ मिटर छड्के गएपछि त्यसलाई बन्द गरिएको छ । अहिले ठेकेदारले नयाँ मोडेलको रेजबोरिङ जर्मनबाट ल्याउन लागेको छ । आयोजनामा ३ सय ७२ मिटरको पेनस्टक साफ्ट र ४ सय ४० मिटरको सर्जसाफ्ट सुरुङ निर्माण गर्नुपर्छ ।

    आयोजनामा १५ महिनादेखि आयोजना प्रमुख सहितका उच्च कर्मचारीहरुको पद रिक्त हुँदा व्यवस्थापनको काम प्रभावित बनेको छ । आयोजनाको आयोजना प्रमुख, साइड कार्यालय प्रमुख, सिभिल निर्माण महाशाखा प्रमुख, लेखा प्रमुख, प्रशासन प्रमुख, इलेक्ट्रोमेकानिकल प्रमुखको पद रिक्त छ । १४ महिनादेखि विज्ञानप्रसाद श्रेष्ठले निमित्त प्रमुखको रुपमा काम गर्दै आएका छन् ।

    आयोजनाको कुल १६ किलोमिटर सुरुङ मध्ये १०दशमलब ७ किलोमिटर पूरा भएको छ भने आयोजनाको ४८ प्रतिशत काम पूरा भएको छ ।

    प्रस्तुति: कारोबर