Tag: Bangladesh Power Development Board

The Strategic Impact of a Nepal-India-Bangladesh Hydropower Alliance – OpEd

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. Amid the global catastrophes caused by climate change and global...

Nepal-Bangladesh Power Trade on Hold as India Withholds Grid Use Approval

New Delhi: Despite reports in some sections of the Bangladesh media suggesting that India has approved the use of its power grid by the eastern...

Flowing Fortune: Harnessing Hydropower for Prosperity

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) expects to generate 20,000 MW of electricity by 2029. If the plan materialises, the country will generate a surplus of 10,000...

Bangladesh to Import 40 MW Electricity from Nepal

KATHMANDU, Dec 8: The Bangladesh government has decided to import 40 MW of electricity from Nepal. A meeting of the Economic Affairs Committee of...

Power Trade Between Dhaka and Kathmandu Faces Delays, Expected to Commence...

Nepali officials are unsure about exporting 40MW of electricity to Bangladesh this wet season ending at the end of November, as two sides are...

Powering the Future: Energy Transition in SAARC Nations – Bangladesh, Bhutan,...

In many ways, this year was the tipping point for renewable energy. The world has woken up to the imperative of energy transition, and...

Preliminary agreement on supplying power from Nepal to Bangladesh, 40MW to...

KATHMANDU, Aug 17: A multi-party agreement to facilitate the supply of electricity from Nepal to Bangladesh has been reached. According to government officials, Nepal...

Nepal-Bangladesh joint venture project gets environmental nod

Nepal and Bangladesh have agreed to jointly build the Rs160 billion hydropower project on Sunkoshi River. The Ministry of Forest and Environment has cleared the Environment...

माथिल्लो कर्णालीको पीपीए फाल्गुनमा : प्रतियुनिट ७.७१७२ सेन्ट खरिद दर

९ सय मेगावाटको माथिल्लो कर्णाली जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको बिजुली बंगलादेशले किन्ने निर्णय गरेसँगै त्रिदेशीय विद्युत् व्यापारको लागि ढोका खुल्ने निश्चित भएको छ । लामो समयदेखि...

Electricity import from Indian firm’s Nepal plant cleared

The government will have to pay a total amount of Tk38,160.75 crore to Indian firm GMR December 20th, 2019 The Cabinet Committee on Public Purchase (CCPP)...