Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA) is organizing first Nepal Tunnelling Conference 2014 on 19 December 2014. The main aim is to gather all tunnel professionals and share experiences for development in Nepal through tunnelling.
Constructing tunnels and caverns in the tectonically active Himalayas is full of challenges and uncertainties. Therefore, sharing experiences and knowledge from different underground projects is very important for the development of Hydro and Transport Tunnels in the Nepal Himalayas.
This Conference is a great opportunity to share project experiences in Nepal regarding site investigations, design, construction techniques, instrumentation and monitoring, back analysis of critical problems, alternate design and construction techniques, and recent developments in thetunnelling industry.
NTA looks forward to organizing this Conference where it we can collaboratively look at advancingtunnelling and underground usage and technology. Your participation, presentation of papers and case histories will contribute significantly to the success of this Conference.
Nepal Tunnelling Association invites all Engineers, geologists and experts involved in underground construction industry to share experiences and participate in this Conference.
Download : Brochure of Nepal Tunnelling Conference 2014
Nepal Tunnelling Conference 2014 topic covers
� Site Investigation, design and construction for tunnels/caverns
� Tunnel/cavern excavation, technology and equipment
� Case Studies: Hydro, Water supply and Transport tunnels/caverns
� Instrumentation, monitoring, equipment and safety
The registration fee:
� Rs, 2,000 per person for individuals from Nepal
� Rs. 4,000 per person for Organisation from Nepal
� Rs. 1,000 per person for NTA Life members/students
� US$ 100 per person from other countries
Payment can be made either in cash or by bank transfer to NTA:
Account Name: Nepal Tunnelling Association, Nepal (NTA)
Account Number: 17725240200370
Bank Name: Nepal SBI Bank Limited
Swift Code: NSBINPKA
Mr. Subas Sunuwar Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA) Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: +977-9851107241 Email: |
Mr.Uddhav Ojha Independent Power Producers’ Association, Nepal (IPPAN) Heritage Plaza II, Kamaladi Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: +977-1-4169175 Email: |
Mr. Ram Hari Sharma Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA) Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: +977-9851075819 Email: |
Mr. Tika Ram Poudel Nepal Tunnelling Association (NTA) Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: +977-9841391720 Email: |
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