National transmission grid to get 7 MW power soon : Sanima Mai Cascade


    Administrative Officer of Sanima Mai Hydropower Project said the national transmission grid will soon be powered with additional seven megawatt electricity from Mai Cascade Hydropower Project .

    The project has generated the additional power from its cascade project based at Danabari and Chisapani VDCs in Ilam district.

    Administrative Officer of the project, Basanta Paudel, informed the test production recently after the completion its construction fully.

    The power generated from the project would be connected to the national transmission grid at the Kodak-based substation of Kabeli corridor. But the process will only take place after the technical pitfalls traced in course of the test production are fixed, Paudel added.

    The Sanima Mai Hydropower Project produces 22 megawatt electricity and links it to the national grid from October 2015.

    The project that started its construction works some five years ago has been completed in the slated timeframe with an investment of Rs 1.25 billion, Administrative Officer Poudel said.