Ghalemdi Hydropower Limited and Mountain Hydro Nepal Limited has been added in the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON)’s IPO pipeline.
Ghalemdi Hydropower will be floating 5.50 lakh units Initial Public Offering (IPO) shares worth Rs 5.50 crore for the locals of locals of project-affected area of Myagdi district.
Vibor Capital Limited has been assigned as the issue manager for the IPO.
It is developing Ghalemdi Hydro Electric Project (4 MW), located in the Myagdi District, Western Development Region of Nepal.
Likewise, Mountain Hydro will be floating 12.50 lakh units Initial Public Offering (IPO) shares worth Rs 12.50 crore for the locals of locals of project-affected area of Panchthar district.
Siddhartha Capital Limited has been assigned as the issue manager for the IPO.
It is developing Lower Hews Khola Hydropower Project (21.6 MW), located in the Panchthar District, Eastern Development Region of Nepal.
Source: Sharesansar