Financial Closure of Super Madi Hydroelectric Project (44 MW)


    A consortium of 8 commercial banks, led by Sanima Bank Limited and participating Banks NIC Asia Bank, NCC Bank, Sunrise Bank, Kumari Bank ,Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited, Prabhu Bank  and Agriculture Development Bank has signed Loan Facility Agreement for Rs. 5.75 billion with Super Madi Hydropower Limited., Nepal for the construction of 44 MW Super Hydroelectric Project, on 16th August, 2018

    This project is a simple Run-of-River scheme that utilizes the flow in Madi River. Madi River is one of the major tributaries of the Narayani River of the Gandaki basin after mixing with the Seti River. The proposed project has installed capacity of 44MW, design discharge of 18m3/sec and net head of 295m.

    The electricity generated from this plant will be connected to the Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS) at the Lekhnath Sub Station at Lekhanath Municipality near Pokhara City through 22km long 132kV single circuit transmission line. The total net energy production will be 243GWh annually.