Dependence on traditional forms of energy


    The country still has to depend on traditional forms of energy in lack of adequate electricity and other renewable forms of energy. Firewood still contributes around 50 percent to total energy consumed in the country. It is still being used as domestic fuel in rural and urbanizing areas.

    Hydroelectricity and solar energy are the main renewable sources of energy being used in Nepal. Experts say energy crisis has been worsening in lack of low generation of hydroelectricity and solar energy despite immense potential in Nepal. Agricultural remains and animal dung are also traditionally used in Nepal. Traditional forms of energy contribute over 55 percent to total energy consumption in Nepal.

    Petroleum products, coal and hydroelectricity–considered modern forms of energy–contribute 42 percent to total consumption with petroleum products alone contributing 38 percent followed by coal and hydroelectricity at two each. Use of traditional forms of energy, however, has fallen this year. It was 62.13 percent of traditional energy, 355.87 percent of commercial fuel and two percent of renewable last year.

    Rs 40.91 billion has already been spent in import of petroleum products in the first nine months of the current fiscal year. It was Rs 112.04 billion in the whole of last year. Coal is also predominantly imported. It was Rs 7.57 billion during the nine months. Supply is just 848 MW against demand of 1385 MW despite immense hydropower potential of the country. Nepal is currently importing 250 MW from India.

    Source : Karobar daily