107 Years’ Journey of Pharping Hydropower


    The first power station in Nepal, Pharping Power Station has completed its’ 107 years of history. It was inagurated by the king Prithivi Bir Bikram Shah Dev on Monday, 22 May, 1911 and established by Rana Prime Minister Chandra Shamsher.

    The Power station is located in Pharping, nearly 12 k.m south from the heart of the Kathmandu city is considered to be the second oldest hydropower station in Asia.

    9 Jestha is celebrated as National Energy Day to mark the begining of Hydropower Development in Nepal. Likewise the local people celebrate it as a huge day for them every year as it has changed their life style as well as grown up their economic status so fast. The master plan has been prepared to develop the site as Live Energy Museum so locals of Pharping want to draw the attention of  authoritative people to concern towards this plan and make it in reality.