काठमाडौं, पौष १० । नेपाल विद्युत प्राधिकरणले लोडसेडिङ समयावधी बढाएको छ । प्राधिकरणले बुधबारबाट लागुहुने गरी लोडसेडिङ समयावधी बढाएको जनाएको छ । प्राधिकरणको नयाँ तालिका बमोजिम अब सातामा ८४ घण्टा लोडसेडिङ हुनेछ ।
प्राधिकरणले मंगलबार सूचना प्रकाशितगरी लोडसेडिङ समयावधी बढाएको जनाएको हो । प्राधिकरणको नयाँ तालिका बमोजिम अब दैनिक १२ घण्टा लोडसेडिङ हुनेछ । प्राधिकारणले पछिल्लो पटक दैनिक १० घण्टासम्म लोडसेडिङ गर्दै आएको थियो ।
KATHMANDU: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has increased load shedding hours by two hours from Wednesday.
People have to endure 12 hours of load shedding per day as per the new schedule published by the NEA effective from tomorrow.
Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai has been saying that the country will not face more than 12 hours of power cuts a day this year.
Just last week, the Load Dispatch Centre of the NEA had extended daily power outage by two more hours without informing the public.
When the government had increased the load shedding hours, sources said that the government had secretly added the additional load shedding hours and chose not the inform the public about them in the December 8 load shedding schedule fearing a backlash.
Click here to download the schedule: Load shedding schedule