Tue, Mar 5, 2019
Panchthar Power Company Limited had closed IPO issue of 1,750,250 units (including 787,750 units unsubscribed by locals) to the general public from Falgun 17, 2075.
As per the issue manager Sanima Capital Limited, the issue has received applications from 82,741 applicants who have applied for a total of 3,381,860 units of shares. The issue has been oversubscribed by 1.93 times till the last day of the IPO issue. This is the final data provided by the issue manager. The officials of Sanima Capital also mentioned that the tentative date for allotment of the issue is Falgun 23, 2075 (March 07, 2019).
The paid up capital of the company after the IPO will be Rs 96.25 Crore. After the issuance of IPO, the promoter shareholders will be holding 80% while the project affected locals will hold 1.82% and the ordinary shareholders will hold 18.18% stake.
Out of the offered 1,750,250 units, 2% of the issue equal to 35,005 units have been reserved for the employees of the company and 5% of the issue equal to 87,512 units have been reserved for the mutual funds. The remaining 1,627,733 units are for the general public.
Applications can be place for minimum 10 units and maximum 9,620 units.
Sanima Capital is appointed as the issue manager for the IPO issuance.
Care Rating Nepal Ltd had assigned grading of CARE-NP IPO Grade 4 to the Initial Public Offer (IPO) of Panchthar Power Company Limited (PPC). ‘CARE-NP IPO Grade 4’ indicating Below Average Fundamentals.
Per megawatt cost of the project has been estimated to be Rs 17.45 crore and the total cost of the project has been estimated to be Rs 2.61 arba.
The company has already started the production of electricity through 14.9 MW Hewakhola A project. Hewa Khola Project is based in Panchthar district with a motive to generate electricity to fulfill the need of Taplejung, Panchthar, Ilam and Jhapa district.
Source: The Sharesansar