NEA’s Bharatpur distribution centre performs best


    Chitwan, Sept 1: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)’s Bharatpur distribution centre has performed best in leakage control and tariff dues recovery.

    The centre’s employees tightened the screw to check leakage and recover dues of electricity tariff for the past three years. According to Account Chief of the Distribution Centre Keshar Bahadur Thada, now the leakage has reduced to 10.5 per cent from 40 per cent in fiscal year 2066-67 BS.

    Similarly, the dues that stood at Rs 310 million four years ago has come down to Rs 210 millions.

    The Bharatpur Distribution Centre has been successful in its bid to slash power leakage through routine monitoring and subsequent actions, said Centre’s Engineer Rajendra Poudel.

    The success attributes to hard work of the employees accompanied by cooperation from local body and users, said distribution centre’s chief Taranath Sharma.

    There are 61,000 electricity users of Bharatpur distribution centre, said the centre’s source.

    Source : RSS