Likhu – IV HEP

Likhu IV is  120 MW run-of-river hydro electric project along Likhu River and is located around 220 kms from Kathmandu, capital of Nepal. The project has favorable hydrology and is easily accessible. The project is being developed by Green Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (which is a joint venture between Bhilwara Energy Limited and Triveni Group of Nepal).


The Project has been awarded by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) on Build Own Operate & Transfer (BOOT) basis for a period of 27 years from the date of Commercial operation with pre-agreement to provide free power to NEA @7.5% of the gross generation for first 15 years of operation and @12% of the gross generation thereafter.

The Project has already been awarded environment clearance in April’10. An MoU for power evacuation has been signed in July’10. The financial closure of the project has been achieved in January 2012. The strengthening of 35 km long project access road, construction of 10.8 km long project road, part construction of bridge across Likhu river and detailed investigation activities have also been completed.
The main Civil Works packages is in advanced stage of awarding.