Bangladesh and Nepal to Strengthen Energy Ties Through BIN Initiative

In September 2022, during the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to India, Bangladesh made a request to import power from Nepal and Bhutan...

बुढीगण्डकी जलविधुत परियोजना- कार्यायोजनाको जटिलता र समाधान

राजु श्रेष्ठ बिदुर गौतम परियोजनाबाट उत्पादित बिजुली कसरि सस्तो बनाउने ? परियोजनाको पुनसंरचना गरेर  (जस्तै बाधको प्रकार परिबर्तन गरेर , बाधको उचाईं घटाएर ) परियोजनाको लागत घटाउन ...

Navigating Nepal’s Relations with China: A Cautious Approach

Although PM Dahal signed several agreements with China during his recent visit, critics at home are dismayed that Nepal is not gaining anything concrete...

Energy from the Renewable sources and its importance

18th March, 2020 Kathmandu: It is universal truth that energy is the engine of economic development. Adequate, affordable and reliable energy is required for the...

Highlights Of Major Development Projects

Even though the country is in a state of political uncertainty, development works are going on a full swing to realise the present government's...

प्रस्तावित विद्युत् विधेयक

१६ श्रावण, २०७७ सरकारले विद्युत् उत्पादन, प्रसारण तथा वितरण प्रणालीलाई थप प्रतिस्पर्धी बनाउन निजी क्षेत्रसमेत सहभागी हुने अवसर सिर्जना गर्नेगरी ल्याएको नयाँ विद्युत् विधेयकप्रति निजी...

Hetauda-Bhartpur Transmission Line : Strategically Important

With the constant individual efforts of NEA MD Kul Man Ghising, Hetauda-Bharatpur 220 kV Transmission Line has finally charged almost after two decades increasing...

Hydropower and South Asian integration

Nepal’s hydropower potential ranks among the highest globally in terms of per capita and unit of GDP Nepal’s hydropower potential for South Asia is now...

Heavy rains and floods in Mustang and Manang: Are they caused by climate change?

Experts are divided on whether the recent heavy rains and floods in Mustang and Manang are caused by climate change. The floods have caused...