Tag: Sultan Al-Jaber

Nurturing Climate Justice: The Crucial Role of Effective International Diplomacy

The entire community has to unite in order to confront the pressing global problem of climate change and strive towards sustainable solutions for a...

Unleashed Greed, Burning Earth: How Capitalism Fuels the Climate Crisis

The vital link between human activities and the environment underscores the need to recognize nature's intrinsic value for our survival. I would like to...

Global Breakthrough: COP28 Nations Unite for First-Ever Fossil Fuel Climate Pact

Dubai, Dec. 14: The COP28 climate summit on Wednesday approved a deal that would, for the first time, push nations to "transition" from fossil fuels...

COP28 climate summit ends with deal to transition away from fossil...

Government ministers representing nearly 200 countries on Wednesday agreed to a deal that calls for a transition away from fossil fuels, after a previous...