Nepal Infrastructure Summit 2017 : 19th and 20th February 2017


    Nepal suffers an infrastructure deficit on an epic scale, stifling vast human potentials on several fronts. A World Bank estimate of the country’s “infrastructure gap” pegs investment needs at between 8 and 12 percent of national income this decade. Nepal’s medium-term ambition is to become a middle-income nation by 2030, while graduating out of the status of a least developed country (LDC). This is only possible with high growth rates sustained by productive capital formation. This demands rapid development of infrastructure driven largely by a private sector (local and foreign) that has the technical, managerial and financial clout to deliver efficient, high-quality and cost-effective results on the ground.

    Day 1 (19th Feb, 2017)
    Business Session 1
    Infrastructure “The Big Picture”
    Business Session 2
    Regulatory Enablers For CompetitivenessDay 2 (20th Feb, 2017)
    Business Session 3
    Value Proposition
    Business Session 4
    Financing Resilient Infrastructures
    Business Session 5 Regional Best Practices
    For more :


    Program Details

    This is to inform you that the “Second Nepal Infrastructure Summit 2017,” has been scheduled on 19th and 20thFebruary 2017 at the Soaltee Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal. This is an event organized jointly by Confederation of Nepalese Industries(CNI), an apex body of the country’s manufacturing and service Industries, Government of Nepal (GON), Youth Community for Nepalese Contractors (YCNC) in association with other Government agencies as well as bilateral and multilateral development partners.

    The Second Nepal Infrastructure Summit aims to facilitate discourse on indispensability of private sector in infrastructure development. The primary objective of the summit is to attract large scale private investment in areas of Nepal’s core needs and strengths; forge stronger networks and alliances in the region for seamless connectivity; and raise awareness on why investment in infrastructure needs an urgent push in the country. The summit will showcase the project bank developed by Investment Board Nepal (IBN) which will comprise around 50 viable infrastructure projects.

    In the meantime, CNI in collaboration with Idea Studio will collect various infrastructure ideas from different sectors of the communities to come up with a creative and an innovative INFRASTRUCTURE (transportation, irrigation, energy, housing, digital, etc) IDEAs to solve the existing epic infrastructure deficit and address to the possible future need for our country’s development.

    The summit will focus on the strategic vision of the infrastructure, value proposition, competitiveness, policy particularly on land acquisition and environmental clearance; and regulatory enablers and business environment. This event will consolidate and build upon the achievements of the first Nepal Infrastructure Summit held in November 2014. Rt.Hon’ble Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda) has consented for gracing the summit as the chief guest and Hon’ble Mr. Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, Railway Minister of the Government of Indiawill be the Guest of Honor and key note speaker of the summit. Investors, Consulting Service Providers, Builders, Thought Leaders, Government Agencies, Diplomats, Development Partners, Legislators, Non-state Actors and Media from South Asia, South East Asia and other countries will be participating in the summit.

    The Summit will provide a platform for exchange of relevant experience in selected topics including:

    1. Infrastructure: The Big Picture
    2. Barriers and Constraints in attracting Private and Public Investment
    3. Expediting Public Private Partnership (PPP)
    4. Financing Resilient Infrastructure
    5. Successful PPP Model: Global and regional Perspective

    CNI will appreciate your cooperation and support in publishing and broadcasting the news of this mega event through your respective media.