KATHMANDU, JUN 12 – Bowing down to intense pressure from several quarters, Nepali Electricity Authority ( NEA ) board on Wednesday revoked its previous decision to upgrade the capacity of Upper Trishuli 3A Hydropower Project.
A meeting of the NEA board chaired by Energy Minister Umakant Jha took the decision to this effect, Laxman Agrawal, a board member, informed.
“The decision was made so as to prevent further outrage,” said Agrawal.
Two weeks ago, the board had decided to upgrade the capacity of the hydropower project from existing 60MW to 90MW.
Agrawal said the project will be continued in the existing capacity without further delay.
Four trade unions of NEA had been protesting against the government decision to upgrade the project capacity. The unions had also announced to cut off electricity supply to the residence of Interim Election Government Chairman Khil Raj Regmi on Friday if decision was not rolled back.
Source : eKantipur
चौतर्फी दवाबपछि त्रिशुली ३ ए क्षमता वृद्धि निर्णय फिर्ता
चौतर्फी दवाबपछि विवादास्पद त्रिशुली ३ ए को क्षमता वृद्धि गर्ने निर्णय सरकारले फिर्ता लिएको छ। नागरिकन्युजकर्मी लीला घिमिरेका अनुसार नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणका कार्यकारी निर्देशक रामेश्वर यादवले निर्णय फिर्ताको जानकारी गराएका हुन्।
विद्युत् प्राधिकरण संचालक समितिले जेठ १७ गते आयोजनाको क्षमता वृद्धि गरी ९० मेघावाट बनाइ चिनिया कम्पनीलाई निर्माण ठेक्का दिने निर्णय गरेको थियो।
क्षमता बढाउने निर्णयको विरोधमा उत्रिएका चार कर्मचारी संगठनले भने निर्णयको माइन्युट हात नलागेसम्म हड्तालका कार्यक्रम फिर्ता नलिने अडान लिएका छन्। ‘क्षमता वृद्धिको निर्णयको मान्इन्युट हात नलागेसम्म हड्तालको कार्यक्रम फिर्ता हुँदैन,’ एक कर्मचारी संगठनका पदाधिकारीले भने। क्षमता बृद्धिको निर्णयको विरोधमा चार कर्मचारी संगठनले चरणवद्ध आन्दोलनमा उत्रिएका थिए।
उनीहरुले गरेको चरणवद्ध आन्दोलनले उनीहरुले मन्त्रीपरिषदका अध्यक्षको निवासमै ब्ल्याक आउटको कार्यक्रम राखेका थिए। कर्मचारीले क्षमता बढाउने निर्णयले नेपाल विद्युत प्राधिकरणलाईनै धरासायी बनाउने भन्दै फिर्ता लिन दबाब दिएका थिए।
Source : Nagariknews
NEA revokes decision on Upper Trishuli III A upgrade
KATHMANDU: The Nepal Electricity Authority has revoked its earlier decision to upgrade the multimillion dollarTrishuli III A hydropower project.
A meeting of the NEA board, presided over by Energy Minister Umakanta Jha, took the decision to this effect today.
Various trade unions, and former finance and energy ministers had protested the May 31 decision of the project upgrade from 60 MW to 90 MW.
The unions had threatened to cut off power from the ministers’ quarters and the country’s main administrative complex Singha Durbar in protest.
Source : The Himalayan Times