Hydro projects to be launched in Lamjung


    Dordi KholaLAMJUNG: Preparations are on to launch at least four new hydro-projects within a year along the Dordi khola corridor in Lamjung.

    The cost of the four hydro-projects, with a total capacity of 112 MW, is estimated at Rs 18 billion.

    Liberty Hydro (25 MW), Tallo Dordi (27 MW), Super Dordi (49.6 MW) and Ledko (10.3 MW) are in the pipeline. Of the four, the 25 MW Liberty Energy Hydro power Pvt Ltd completed the PPA a year ago. The project has completed all financial closure worth Rs 4 billion, whereas the PPA preparation for Super Dordi kha Hydro-project is on. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 8.29 billion and national investors will be involved in its construction.

    Keshav Bahadur Rayamajhi, Managing Director of People’s Hydro power Company, said construction of the project will start within a year.

    Likewise, preparations are on to start construction of Tallo Dordi Khola Hydro-project. The project was granted licence in 2012 and the estimated cost of the project is Rs 4.3 billion.

    Lamjung Electricity Development Company, is preparing to start work on construction of Dordi-1 hydro project within a year. The PPA of the project will be completed within a few months, said Managing Director of the project Binaya Bhandari. The project is estimated to cost Rs 1.8 billion.

    Meanwhile, district folks have put forward their demands, including skill and development training, priority in job employment, maximum use of local resources, construction of road and drinking water facility in the locality, support for mothers’ groups, local youth clubs and schools, among others, before the projects are launched.

    Dordikhola locals have warned they will not allow the projects to be launched unless their demands are addressed.

    They have demanded investment of at least 3 per cent of the total investment in developmental activities of the area along with free 10 per cent share of the hydro-project to locals, training management for youth of the locality, and employment for them.

    The investors have vowed to fulfil all feasible demands.

    Source : The Himalayan Times