Budhigandaki project to be completed by 2022

    It’s one of the 17 national ventures of government

    KATHMANDU: Secretary of the Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers Krishna Hari Baskota today said that the Budhigandaki Hydro Project of 600 MW will be completed by 2079 BS following a recent field visit of the projects.

    He said the survey including feasibility study, detailed project study, tender bid of run-of-river project will be finalised by the fiscal year of 2072/73 and the project will be complete by next six years. The project is one of the 17 national pride projects of the government.

    A French company has started the feasibility study, detailed project study February 1, and with the deadline of thirty months. During the visit Secretary Baskota had observed the drilling and had met with the officials of the Tractebel Engineering SA, France.

    A press release issued by Baskota’s office said that he had assured the contractor any support by the government. The government had awarded the company for feasibility study, DPR and bidding document preparation with the sum of Rs 92,683,9000.

    Source : The Himalayan Times