Govt prioritising clean energy


    Nepal’s energy use is primarily dominated by traditional sources energy, mainly biomass for domestic purposes, said a report drafted by the Ministry of Population and Environment.

    According to a report ‘Intended Nationally Determined Contribution’ prepared for submission to the Germany-based United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat, renewable energy contributes only one per cent of the total energy use. Currently, 56 per cent of the population has regular access to electricity for lighting.

    “Despite a huge potential for renewable energies such as hydropower, solar power and wind energy, these resources have not been sustainably captured due to geographical, technical, political and economical reasons.

    As a result the country is facing acute power shortage and load-shedding may stretch up to 15 hours per day in the dry season,” it reported.

    “Regardless of these difficulties, Nepal continues to prioritise generation and utilisation of clean energy, particularly through hydro-electricity at a larger scale.

    For the last two decades, the government has been promoting micro-hydro, solar power, biogas and improved cooking stoves in the rural areas in line with the National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme,” it added.

    The Subsidy Delivery Mechanism for renewable energy was promoted since 2006 to ensure disbursement of subsidy in a cost effective and easy manner in the rural areas.

    Recently, the Government of Nepal has launched an initiative to promote solar energy, renewable energy technologies and energy-efficient technology in urban areas.

    Meanwhile, the report said that the country was implementing an Environment-Friendly Local Governance Framework with the objective of mainstreaming environment, climate change adaptation and disaster management in the local planning processes.

    The framework also aims to make local governance system environment-friendly and initiate sustainable development from the household and community-level.

    Source :  The Himalayan Times.