CROSS BORDER TRANSMISSION LINE :Nepal, India to work on 2nd grid



    Nepal and India have agreed to work for the second cross-border line for the import and export of electricity from both the sides.

    In the seventh meeting of the Nepal-India Joint Committee on Water Resources ( JCWR ) that concluded here on Friday, the two countries agreed to work for the line connecting Gorakhpur in India and a suitable location near Bardaghat in Nepal under the government-to-government cooperation. “The JCWR decided that the Nepalese side would prepare a concept paper along with the available technical details and send it to the Indian side for review,” the minutes of the meeting state.

    In the meeting, Nepali officials proposed the transmission line as the implementation of the 400kv Dhalkebar-Mujaffarpur Cross Border Transmission Line, which was meant to be developed and operated on a commercial mode, is taking some time despite efforts from both the sides. The meeting also decided to take forward the Pancheshwar Multi Purpose Project, while participants reiterated the need for field work in the Rupaligad dam and powerhouse sites, which is pending for the last couple of years. However, India sought more time for the formation of the much-talked-about Pancheshwar Development Authority. On the Koshi High Dam project, the Nepali side brought up the issue of compensation for private land. The project has led to the erosion of 1,516 bighas of land during 1961-1964; 3,948 bighas in 1965-1968 and an additional 2,226 bighas later, which was jointly verified by both the sides.

    “The compensation rates have been determined and the Nepalese side said the issue needs to be resolved with priority,” the minutes further said.

    The Indian side agreed to take up the responsibility of maintaining the 15 km eastern Koshi embankment, upstream of Chakarghatti. It also agreed to speed up restoration work of the Birpur powerhouse, which was damaged in 2008, while agreeing to address grievances and requests that have come up on the Gandak project.

    In the meeting, the Nepali side proposed the concept of ‘energy banking’ to be implemented in order to address seasonal disparities in demand and supply of electricity in the two countries at direct utility level or through various traders.

    The Indian side agreed to extend financial and technical support in the West Rapti, Khando, Balan and Lakhandehi rivers, while the detailed project reports (DPR) of the projects, prepared by the Nepali side, have been handed over to the Indian side.

    The meeting also talked holding the second meeting of the joint-ministerial level commission on water resources in Kathmandu, flood forecasting activities on rivers flowing from Nepal to India, the proposed Naumure hydro-power project, embankments on the Mechi river, review of activities of various bilateral committees, release of irrigation water for the Chandani-Dodhara area and the Tanakpur-Mahendranagar link road.

    Energy Secretary Hari Ram Koirala and his Indian counterpart Dhurv Vijai Singh had led the respective sides in the talks.

    Source : The Kathmandu Post


    भारतले जलस्रोत र ऊर्जा क्षेत्रको विकासमा सहकार्य गर्ने

    काठमाडौं, माघ १२ – नेपाल र भारतका उच्च अधिकारीहरू जलस्रोत र ऊर्जा क्षेत्रको विकासमा सहकार्य गर्दै अघि बढ्न सहमत भएका छन्। नेपाल-भारत सचिवस्तरीय संयुक्त जलस्रोत समितिको आज यहाँ सम्पन्न सातौं बैठकमा त्यस्तो सहमति भएको हो।

    बैठकमा दुई देशबीच विद्युत् आदानप्रदान तथा अन्तरदेशीय प्रसारण लाइन निर्माण, नौमुरे जलविद्युत् आयोजना, सप्तकोसी उच्च बाँध तथा सुनकोसी कमला डाइभर्सनको सम्भाव्यता अध्ययन, पञ्चेश्वर बहुउद्देश्यीय आयोजना विकास, कोसी र गण्डक आयोजनाबारे छलफल भएको तथा ती विषयमा भारतीय पक्षले सकारात्मक जवाफ दिएको ऊर्जा मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता श्रीरञ्ज लाकौलले बताए ।

    सौहाद्रपूर्ण वातावरणमा बैठकमा नेपाल-भारत सीमावर्ती क्षेत्रमा हुने बाढी नियन्त्रण सप्तकोसी उच्च बाँधसम्बन्धी अध्ययन गर्ने कार्यमा देखा पर्दै आएको स्थानीय अवरोधको विषय मुख्यतया कोसी बाढी पीडितको क्षतिपूर्तिसँग गाँसिएको सन्दर्भ नेपाली पक्षबाट उठान भएकोमा क्षतिपूर्तिको विषयमा पूर्व स्थापित कोसी-गण्डक आयोजना संयुक्त समितिमार्फत अघि बढाउने सहमति भएको उनले जानकारी दिए ।

    प्रवक्ता लाकौलका अनुसार साथै पश्चिम राप्ती, खाँडो, बलान तथा लखनदेही नदीमा भारतीय सहयोगमा तटबन्धको कार्य अगाडि बढाउने सहमतिलगायत दोस्रो अन्तरदेशीय विद्युत् प्रसारण लाइन, पञ्चेश्वर विकास प्राधिकरण गठनसम्बन्धमा कार्यहरु तदारुकताका साथ अगाडि बढाउने सहमति भएको छ।

    बैठकमा २० सदस्यीय प्रतिनिधिमण्डलको नेतृत्व ऊर्जा मन्त्रालयका सचिव हरिराम कोइरालाले तथा १२ सदस्यीय भारतीय प्रतिनिधिमण्डलको नेतृत्व त्यहाँको जल संशाधन मन्त्रालयका सचिव ध्रुवविजय सिंहले गरेका थिए ।

    नेपाली प्रतिनिधिमण्डलमा ऊर्जा मन्त्रालय, परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय, सिँचाइ मन्त्रालय, जल तथा ऊर्जा आयोगको सचिवालय, सिँचाइ विभाग, जलउत्पन्न प्रकोप नियन्त्रण विभाग, विद्युत् विकास विभाग, जल तथा मौसम विज्ञान विभाग, नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरण, पञ्चेश्वर बहुउद्देश्यीय आयोजना तथा सप्तकोसी बहुउद्देश्यीय आयोजनाका उच्चस्तरीय प्रतिनिधि सहभागी रहने र भारतको तर्फबाट भारतको जल संशाधन मन्त्रालय, भारतीय राजदूतावास, भारतीय केन्द्रीय जल आयोग, गङ्गा बाढी नियन्त्रण आयोग, उत्तराखण्ड तथा बिहार सरकारका उच्च पदाधिकारीहरु एवम् नेसनल हाइड्रोपावर कर्पोरेसनका पदाधिकारीको सहभागिता रहेको थियो।
