The CIAA had recommended Prime Minister Sushil Koirala to take needful action against Minister for Energy Radha Gyawali after finding her mala fide intentions while awarding a transmission line contract to the second lowest bidder in connection to the construction of Solu Corridor Transmission Line. Gyawali was sacked later by the then PM Koirala.
The SC was responding to a writ filed by NEA officials who had been accused of the wrongdoings.
According to CIAA, the NEA Board had decided to award the contract to develop Solu Corridor 132 kV transmission line to second lowest bidder Mohan Energy Corporation (P) Ltd on August 21, without giving any opportunity to the lowest bidder — JV of Jaguar Overseas Ltd and BS Ltd — to furnish clarifications on some minor issues in its technical proposal.”
Source : Republica