२०१९ मा ऊर्जाः ‘इनर्जी डिप्लोमेसी’देखि लगानी विस्तारसम्म

पुष १५, २०७६ काठमाडौँ: सन् २०१९ नेपालको ऊर्जा तथा जलस्रोतको क्षेत्रमा रणनीतिक उपलब्धि प्राप्त भएको वर्षको रूपमा स्थापित भएको छ । लामो समयदेखि सम्पन्न हुन...

Nepal’s Prime Minister Embarks on Trade and Energy Diplomacy Mission to China

Nepal’s Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal “Prachanda” Dahal is set to embark on a crucial visit to China at the end of September. He will...

विद्युत् क्षेत्रको अग्‍निपरीक्षा

उत्पादित विद्युत् खेर जान नदिन प्राधिकरण मात्र लागेर पुग्दैन, राज्यले नै विशेष नीति ल्याउनुपर्छ विचार :प्रबल अधिकारी विद्युत् मागको प्रक्षेपणका आधारमा विद्युत् उत्पादन र आयातको परिमाण...

Advocating Government Support for IT and Green Energy Investments

In 2022, Nepal generated half a billion dollars through IT exports. According to IIDS research, the credibility of experts in the IT industry has...

मोदीमा ७ आयोजना

असार १९, २०७६ (पर्वत) — मोदी गाउँपालिका, कुस्मा र फलेबास नगरपालिका हुँदै बगेको मोदीखोलाको १७ किलोमिटर दूरीमा ७ जलविद्युत् आयोजना निर्माण भइरहेका छन् । दुई आयोजना...

Can China Accommodate Nepal’s Needs?

In recent days, China’s Ambassador to Nepal, Chen Song, has been under significant diplomatic and media scrutiny because of a series of overly undiplomatic...

Balancing Hydropower’s Potential with Environmental Imperatives: A Look at Nepal’s Dilemma

Nepal, landlocked amidst the towering Himalayas, boasts immense hydropower potential. As the country taps into this resource, building dams and generating electricity, its energy...

A game changer is coming for electric car owners

September 6, 2019 Electric cars are getting cheaper and they can go farther on a single charge. Still, most car shoppers have one big concern:...

Baitadi- 95% households still depend on firewood to cook

Despite the government setting a target to decrease the proportion of traditional energy consumption to 30 per cent by 2030 and promoting the use...

खानीखोला १ को काम अन्तिम चरणमा

दोलखा, असार ८ गते । दोलखाको गौरीशङ्कर गाउँपालिकाको उच्च हिमाली क्षेत्रमा निर्माणाधीन खानीखोला १ जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको काम अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको छ । गाउँपालिका–७, मार्बुस्थित...