February 2, 2020 Without a paradigm shift in river conservation, the sustainable development of a nation that is striving to achieve a mid-income status by 2030...

Highlights Of Major Development Projects

Even though the country is in a state of political uncertainty, development works are going on a full swing to realise the present government's...

Hyundai launches KONA EV in Nepal

February 01, 2019 KATHMANDU: Laxmi Intercontinental, the authorised distributor of Hyundai for Nepal, has launched a new electric car KONA EV. It is the first fully-electric subcompact...

Hydropower goals: Ambitions and challenges

MAXIMUM EXPLORATION OF HYDROPOWER IS NEEDED TO MEET THE ENERGY DECADE GOAL May 19, 2019 Nepal is estimated to have a hydro potential of 83,000 MW...

शोकेस परियोजनामै लगानीकर्ताको कम आकर्षण

सरकारी ५० मध्ये ११ मा प्रस्ताव, निजीका तीनमा समझदारी विगतमा परियोजना नतोकी लगानी आह्वान गर्दा वास्तविक लगानी नआएको भन्दै २७ निजीसहित ७७ परियोजना सरकारले लगानी...

खानीखोला १ को काम अन्तिम चरणमा

दोलखा, असार ८ गते । दोलखाको गौरीशङ्कर गाउँपालिकाको उच्च हिमाली क्षेत्रमा निर्माणाधीन खानीखोला १ जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको काम अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको छ । गाउँपालिका–७, मार्बुस्थित...

Solar mini-grids improve life in Surkhet, Kailali and Baitadi

Surkhet, July 3   Locals of Gutu village in Surkhet district have been able to set up businesses and upgrade their living standards after a solar...

The Way Forward for Nepal’s Hydropower Development

01/11/2019 Nepal has huge potential for hydropower development. The rough estimate of the potential is more than 80,000 MW. However, the installed hydro capacity as...


Kul Man Ghising, managing director of NEA, has proved that a dedicated and professional leader can reform a public utility to make profit of...

देशभर ११ नदी डाइभर्सन गरिँदै

 बैशाख १९, २०७६ १ हजार ३ सय ९५ मेगावाट विद्युत्, ६ लाख १० हजार हेक्टरमा सिँचाइ सरकारले सिँचाइलाई प्राथमिकतामा राख्दै विद्युत्समेत उत्पादन गर्ने सकिने ११ नदी...